Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Build Black Wealth and Narrow the Racial Wealth Gap

Imagine a thriving community of ambition and enterprise, abruptly shattered by a brutal act of violence. This was Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a century ago, known as “Black Wall Street.” Once a beacon of Black prosperity and achievement, it was destroyed overnight by a white supremacist mob, resulting in the loss of over 300 lives and leaving 10,000 people destitute.

But the destruction didn’t end there. The systemic barriers that followed—redlining, discriminatory federal policies, and disinvestment—made recovery nearly impossible. These policies locked Black residents out of homeownership and credit, severing their access to economic opportunities and stifling their ability to rebuild. The legacy of this disinvestment is profound, with wealth disparities compounding over generations. Today, the average Black American family holds just thirteen cents for every dollar held by White families.

The Initiative: A New Vision for Equity

On June 1, 2021, marking the 100th anniversary of the Black Wall Street massacre, the Biden administration announced a bold initiative: increasing the share of government contracts going to small disadvantaged businesses (SDBs) by 50 percent by 2026. This translates to an additional $100 billion in contracts over five years. This increase in set-aside contracting is part of a broader platform aimed at addressing the racial wealth gap by providing more opportunities for small minority businesses.

This initiative represents more than just a financial commitment. It reflects a broader vision of equity and inclusion, aiming to dismantle systemic barriers and create a more level playing field for all.

What Does This Mean for You as a Contractor?

Align Your Vision with the Initiative

To effectively participate in this shift, start by aligning your business’s vision with the broader goal of fostering equity and inclusion. Your small business certifications will be crucial in qualifying for new set-aside contracts. This initiative is a call to action to ensure that your business is prepared and positioned to benefit from the new opportunities that arise.

Expand Your Network Through Meaningful Partnerships

Embrace the opportunity to build strategic partnerships. For 8(a) firms, this means expanding capabilities through collaborations. Non-8(a) firms should seek Mentor-Protégé relationships with 8(a) firms to leverage their expertise and experience. These relationships are not just about business growth but about contributing to a larger mission of economic empowerment.

Enhance Your Capabilities for Growth

Assess your business’s readiness for larger contracts. Consider obtaining CMMC certification if targeting DoD contracts. Evaluate your funding needs and bonding capacity to ensure you can handle the demands of increased contract sizes. Preparation is key to seizing the opportunities that come with this initiative.

Master New Strategies to Innovate and Adapt

In a landscape of evolving opportunities, mastering capture management strategies is essential. Focus on innovative approaches that will set your business apart and enable you to effectively compete for new contracts.

Stay Informed and Agile

Keep yourself updated on announcements from federal agencies about new contracting opportunities resulting from this initiative. Staying informed will allow you to adapt quickly and capitalize on emerging opportunities.


This initiative represents a significant step towards addressing historical and systemic inequalities. By investing in housing, small businesses, and community infrastructure, the administration aims to create a more equitable landscape where all communities have the opportunity to thrive.

As a contractor, understanding the deeper purpose behind these changes and preparing strategically positions you not just to participate but to thrive in this new landscape. This is your chance to align with a greater vision and contribute to a more inclusive future.

Happy hunting!

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