What Is The Intersection Of Black History And Government Contracting?
Why do we still celebrate Black History Month? What is the intersection of Black History and government contracting? Wait, don’t bypass this article because at first glance you think it doesn’t connect to you. It is worth reading. We all stand on someone’s shoulders in our life’s journey.
How to Make a Killer Capture Plan for Government Contract Acquisition
When it comes to government contracting, you want to be on top of your game, and that means having a killer capture plan and implementing advanced strategies that are rarely used. In this article, we're going to walk you through the steps for developing a short-term contracting acquisition plan, expanding your business with some hidden methodologies, and then implementing a long-term plan with advanced techniques.
DoD Implements AI Contract Writing Tool
The Defense Department is taking full advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the federal acquisition process. The Chief Digital and AI Office (CDAO) at the DoD has developed a prototype AI tool, called Acqbot, as part of its Tradewind initiative.
How to Team Up to Advance in Government Contracting
Teaming and joint venture agreements are powerful tools often utilized by successful businesses in the government market. Although each agreement may seem straightforward, there are significant differences between them. The SBA has recently implemented new rules applicable to both agreements, so contractors should be aware of these essential differences.
How to be a Stellar Goal Setter in Government Contracting
In the realm of government contracting, goal setting is not just a strategic advantage—it's a necessity. Whether you're navigating federal procurement or bidding on local city contracts, establishing clear, achievable goals is crucial for success. This article explores why goal setting is so vital in government contracting and the broader business landscape, covering regulations, reliability, and the potential pitfalls of failing to meet commitments.
Easy Guide to Setting Goals in the Government Space
Does your client base primarily consist of companies in the private sector? Are you considering expanding your reach into the public sector with a focus on securing government contracts? Working with the government can be a rewarding opportunity. If you invest the time to learn the "ins & outs" of what it takes to be successful, it will be worth it. Many articles highlight the benefits of bidding on government contracts and may make it look easy. However, only after being fully prepared will the process become less confusing, allowing you to operate with a more straightforward approach.
How to Nurture Relationships With Government
Many leaders talk about connections and their positive impact on our business, especially if they're the "right" connections. Yes, that's true, but did you know when it comes to developing relationships with government agencies, it's not just about entering information into your database and throwing out a name when you feel it will help your cause?
Follow the Money - A Comprehensive Guide to Federal Spending
"Follow the money" is a catchphrase popularized by the 1976 docudrama film All the President's Men, suggesting that political corruption can be exposed by tracing financial transactions. While this term gained prominence in the 1970s, the underlying principle has been around for centuries. The Latin phrase Cui bono?, meaning "to whom is it a benefit?", encapsulates the idea of understanding who gains from financial actions.
How to Become Gov't Contract Ready - FREE 20 Point Assessment Checklist Download
Securing government contracts can be a game-changer for your business, opening doors to substantial federal procurement opportunities. However, tapping into this market requires a strategic approach and a thorough understanding of government acquisition processes. Here's why becoming government contract ready is crucial and how it can benefit your business. Use our checklist download to quickly assess your business to be contract ready.
New DOJ Initiative Hits Contractors Over Cyber Failures
The U.S. Department of Justice is targeting federal contractors and grant recipients who fail to adhere to cybersecurity requirements in their agreements and violate their obligation to monitor and report ransomware attacks and other types of cybersecurity breaches.

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Only 22% of federal contracting dollars are awarded to small businesses. Our goal is to be an agent of change by helping businesses owned by women, minorities, and veterans to get their fair share of the opportunities in the government market.