Is The Government Mentor-Protégé Programs Right For You
The federal government has many programs to support small businesses in winning government contracts, including government IT contracts, federal and state construction engagements, defense projects, defense contract management, and more. One of the most powerful is the Mentor-Protégé Program (MPP).
How to Score with Marketing Materials in the Government Market
Every year I teach large and small businesses well over one hundred classes on government contracts. During these classes, I often review marketing materials that businesses plan to present to government procurement officers. There are some widespread mistakes I see in their federal and state government-focused capability statements, DSBS narratives, and websites. Here are the two most common mistakes:
Easy Blueprint to Build a Successful Government Contracting Business
As the new year unfolds, it's a perfect time to be intentional and design your business to be more successful in the government contracting marketplace. This article will guide you through the crucial steps of goal setting, planning, and implementing the best strategies to succeed in the B2G market.
Will Subcontracting Make You Successful in Government Space
Subcontracting is an excellent pathway for businesses to enter the government contracting arena. Did you know that when a large prime contractor wins a contract over $750,000, or $1.5 million in construction, they are required to award 35% of that contract to small businesses? This
How to Make a Killer Capture Plan for Government Contract Acquisition
When it comes to government contracting, you want to be on top of your game, and that means having a killer capture plan and implementing advanced strategies that are rarely used. In this article, we're going to walk you through the steps for developing a short-term contracting acquisition plan, expanding your business with some hidden methodologies, and then implementing a long-term plan with advanced techniques.
The Best Strategy to Successfully Win Government Contracts
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to government contracting. Your strategy will depend on various factors, including your industry, company strength, and past performance. Below are several strategies to consider:
"Follow the money" is a catchphrase popularized by the 1976 docudrama film All the President's Men, which suggests political corruption can be brought to light by examining money transfers between parties. While the term was popularized in the 1970s, the premise behind the statement has been around for over a century. In Latin, the term Cui bono? means "to whom is it a benefit?"
"Follow the money" is a catchphrase popularized by the 1976 docudrama film All the President's Men, which suggests political corruption can be brought to light by examining money transfers between parties. While the term was popularized in the 1970s, the premise behind the statement has been around for over a century. In Latin, the term Cui bono? means "to whom is it a benefit?"
Canyon Lake Chamber and GCA Launch a Passport Program
Atlanta, GA., June 1st, 2023, The Canyon Lake Chamber of Commerce (CLCC) and the Government Contractors Association (GCA) have entered into a strategic partnership to benefit current and future members through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
Lansing Area Chamber Partner With The Government Contractors Association
The goal of this Passport Membership collaboration is to combine and share programs, benefits, and resources to create greater value for all members. It is a joint initiative where membership in one organization is recognized by the joint partner organization.
Great News About the Inflation Relief for DoD Contractors
Relief for DoD contractors due to inflation may be on the way. The proposed National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2023, which is Congress' annual budget for the Department of Defense (DoD), includes a provision that would grant the DoD more discretion to allow inflation relief for DoD contractors. The NDAA would amend 50 U.S.C. § 1431 to give the DoD more discretion in allowing adjustments to contracts to account for inflation, although this allowance would only be temporary, lasting from when the NDAA is signed by the President until December 31, 2023.

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Only 22% of federal contracting dollars are awarded to small businesses. Our goal is to be an agent of change by helping businesses owned by women, minorities, and veterans to get their fair share of the opportunities in the government market.