DoD Implements AI Contract Writing Tool

The Defense Department is taking full advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the federal acquisition process. The Chief Digital and AI Office (CDAO) at the DoD has developed a prototype AI tool, called Acqbot, as part of its Tradewind initiative.

Tradewind was created by the DoD to develop and fund AI, machine learning, digital, and data analytics solutions to address challenges in the field. Acqbot, a product of this initiative, generates text similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT and aims to accelerate the DoD’s contracting process.

According to Bonnie Evangelista, the Tradewind execution lead within the CDAO, the contract writing process within the DoD is hindered by manual processes and outdated methods, such as filling out PDFs and paper forms. However, Acqbot does not make contracting decisions independently; instead, there is a human reviewer validating the AI-generated text at every step.

Evangelista emphasized that the CDAO is seeking feedback and user testing to refine Acqbot and enhance its functionality. She compared the AI technology to children, explaining that it requires time and training to learn and improve. Acqbot is part of Tradewind’s ‘go big’ approach to AI, demonstrating the potential of the technology to forever change the federal procurement process for the DoD and potentially for other agencies in the years to come.

Goals and Impact

The ultimate goal of Acqbot is to streamline the entire acquisition process, making it faster and more efficient for vendors to write proposals and for the DoD to quickly purchase technology. Evangelista highlighted that they aim to “break the mold” and “break the glass ceiling” in the acquisition process, envisioning a future where it is as simple as “point, click, and buy.”

In addition, the use of AI in the contract writing process is expected to significantly impact contracting officers, as it represents a revolutionary contract management solution. If Acqbot proves successful in streamlining the federal acquisition process, it could enhance efficiency for contracting officers. They may benefit from the ability to quickly review and validate AI-generated text, reducing the time and resources needed for these tasks. This efficiency gain could allow contracting officers to focus more on other critical aspects of their role, such as negotiating contracts, managing budgets, ensuring regulatory compliance, and enhancing defense contract management practices.

Impact on Government Contractors

The introduction of Acqbot and the broader Tradewind initiative could significantly impact government contractors. With the potential acceleration of the contract writing process, contractors may experience faster feedback and reduced waiting times for contract awards. This could result in more agile and responsive contracting cycles, allowing businesses to adapt quickly to new opportunities and requirements. Contractors might also need to align their proposal strategies with the evolving demands of a more AI-driven process, ensuring their submissions are not only compliant but also optimized for AI review.

How Capture Managers Should Prepare Proposals

Capture managers should consider several strategies in preparing proposals in light of these updates:

Structure Proposals Clearly

Ensure that proposals are structured in a clear, concise, and well-organized manner to facilitate easier AI processing.

Emphasize Key Information

Highlight key information and use standardized formats to improve the chances of favorable AI review.

Stay Informed

Keep abreast of the latest advancements in AI and adapt proposal strategies to leverage these technologies effectively.


In itself, the implementation of AI by the DoD represents a massive initiative and a lucrative Government IT Contract opportunity for many businesses; it could potentially expand to other agencies, offering IT firms more opportunities to enhance and optimize how the government collaborates with its contractors.

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