Setting 2023 Goals in the Government Space

Does your client base consist primarily of companies in the private sector? Are you curious about the possibility of expanding your reach into the public sector with a focus on securing government contracts? 

Working with the government can be a rewarding opportunity, and if you invest the time to learn the “ins & outs” of what it takes to be successful, it’s worth it. Many articles talk about all the glories of bidding on government contracts; some even make it look easy. But only AFTER being fully prepared will the process be less confusing, allowing you to operate with a more straightforward approach. 

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to assume you can submit a bid without comprehending the variables that will demonstrate you did your homework. Buying agencies don’t just consider skills and experience; they want to know you made the effort to learn about their business.

  • What are their typical buying habits?
  • Who are the decision-makers?
  • How much growth have they had? 
  • What are some of the objectives for the company (i.e., Lower costs, expanded reach, etc.)? If you can provide a case for how you can help them reach those goals, that can be exciting for buyers. 

You can find many of the above answers by attending industry events and getting to know key members ahead of a bid. You can also learn more by checking out their annual report, which you can usually find on their company website. Engage with them professionally in online industry groups and follow their social media channels. 

Know Your Competition How do your services and experience measure up to the competition? Start with 2-3 leaders in your industry and set up a simple excel sheet that lists skills and attributes across the top of the sheet. Then list 2-3 leading companies in your industry, including your business, down the left. Now go through and check off skills that apply to each. If you don’t have all the skills that others do, consider obtaining them through further education or hiring someone with that experience. Only some things must be apples to apples, so only spend valuable time on what you feel is necessary to help you succeed. After you do this exercise, there are most likely many areas you will need to fine-tune.

To ensure you don’t miss anything before pursuing government contracts, consider joining us for our next “Certified Capture Manager Course.” 

NEVER burn a bridge with your competition. Government agencies often appreciate having two contractors partner in a prime/sub-prime relationship. This strategy not only helps to get your foot in the door, but it strengthens your capabilities.

Each session in the 12 Steps to Winning Government Contract Methodology will cover a new topic:

  1. ASSESSMENT: Do you have resources (finances, credit, HR/strong staff, talents, mobilization capital)?
  2. STRATEGY: Do you have a strategic plan (short/long term, jv, teaming, mentor protégé, sub, prime)?
  1. EDUCATION: Do you speak governese? Understand contracting language, regulations, policies, standards, etc.
  2. REGISTRATION: How to get registered for opportunities. What certifications will you need, etc.?
  3. IMAGE: How’s your brand? strong, recognizable, broad, reputation, past performance
  4. MARKETING: Capability statement, biz card, website, marketing collateral, a brand that speaks to gov’t buyers?
  5. RELATIONSHIP: Do you have the proper types of relationships in the government market (triangle of relationships)?
  6. OPPORTUNITY: Do you know where to find opportunities, FBO, bid matches, past awards, prospecting, etc.?
  7. PROPOSAL: Can you write proposals? Can you learn or hire one (technical experts, estimators)?
  8. PERFORMANCE: Can you deliver and perform, or do you need subs?
  9. COMPLIANCE: Are you DCAA compliant (accounting system, cyber ready, QA program, insurance, bonding)?
  10. CLOSURE: Successful completion of a project? Proper close-out? Paid yet? ACO happy?

When a Bid is in Play

  • Do your market research as outlined above. When it applies to potential contracts, there will often be hints of things to come. Be sure to do your due diligence before the last minute.
  • Read the Request for Proposal (RFP) from cover to cover. Or break it up into sections and have team members help you. You must understand what they’re looking for and determine if the project scope is within your capabilities. 
  • Pricing is vital as you don’t want to go too low, which can negatively impact your bottom line. You may price yourself out of the contract when you go too high. 
  • Patience is a virtue when you bid on a government contract. Expect a process of deliberation. It could be weeks or months before you receive a yes, no, or even a maybe. When the latter happens, expect more questions or negotiating. 

With all the above, there are generally very tight rules. Follow the guidelines to avoid losing the potential contract, which could affect future opportunities. 

This blog is just an overview of what it will take to successfully secure government contracts. If you’re serious about making this part of your business strategy, you must put your best foot forward at EVERY opportunity. 

Consider enrolling in our upcoming “Certified Capture Manager” Program to earn your CCM™ Certification. Here you will dive deep and learn how to execute strategies to capture government contracting opportunities. 

CLICK HERE to learn more about this opportunity. 


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